Health care services will are available to all inmates committed to the facility. The on-site staff is dedicated to providing access to quality medical and mental health services in a timely manner. Our goal is to deliver high quality and cost effective services for our inmates. The staff is committed to teamwork across disciplines and promotes a positive environment of care for inmates and staff alike. We foster continued education in our employees. Our department’s vision is to help our patients achieve optimal health and to be better educated about their health as they transition back into the community.
Very often our patients leave our care healthier than when they arrived. We are committed to continuity of care and work closely with our local health organizations to assist with the transition to post incarceration life and health care.
Our medical team consists of Dr. Preston Reynolds, who is our Medical Director, Rachel Gaddis, who is the Administrator of Medical Health services, a physician associate, registered nurses, licensed practical nurses, certified nursing assistant and office support staff. We also contract with dentists and an optometrist who come on site to provide specialty care and work with a mobile imaging company to address many of our imaging needs. Nursing student volunteers also contribute to the medical department.
We operate in person or on call 24 hours a day 365 days a year. The medical holding unit has nine beds that enable our staff to monitor those in need of additional care.
Rachel Gaddis
Medical Health Services Administrator
Care Provided
Upon commitment to the facility, screening for infectious diseases, such as tuberculosis and contagious respiratory illnesses, dental issues, and for mental health problems is completed.
Continuity of care is a goal for our departments. A provider on staff must approve the use of any medications brought into the facility by an arrestee.
Prior to Reporting to the Facility
Please call the medical or mental health department for instructions on which medications to bring or to leave home if you know your report in date. A member of our staff will be happy to go over your specific needs prior to your entry. While you are in the custody of our facility, our providers are now your primary care providers.
Medical Equipment
Medical must approve and security must clear all medical equipment and supplies.
Sick call and Chronic Care Visits
The medical staff provides sick call and chronic care visits five days a week. When appropriate, the medical department also sees urgent and emergent visits. While there are co-pays for specific services, there is no refusal of care based on one’s ability to pay. All funds collected by the department for services provided, go back into the facility for education, programs and recreation.
Dental Visits
Our medical department contracts with The University of Virginia to provide dentists for annual contracts. Procedures such as oral health screenings, extractions, and the treatment of infections are completed. While we do not routinely remove wisdom teeth, if there is indication for a referral, the dentists would refer to an oral surgeon.
The department contracts with an optometrist who comes quarterly to evaluate those inmates with chronic health conditions and for those who need glasses.
The medical department does not handle the receiving of glasses or contacts; this is Security. A prescription must accompany all glasses. Canteen has reading glasses available for purchase. For those without funds, an inmate may submit a request to administration. Security also handles all contact lenses, solutions and cases.
Community Partnerships
ACRJ serves as an institution for practical learning. Students from the University of Virginia and Piedmont Virginia Community College receive practical experience while working directly with our patients. Students who do their clinical rotations at ACRJ develop the knowledge, skills and motivation needed to work within the specialty of correctional healthcare.
Mental Health Services
The medical department works collaboratively with our mental health services department. Please see below for our Mental Health Department’s additional information.
The Mental Health Team
Dr. Juanita Morris, Ed. D., RN, PMHNP/CNS-BC, CCN/M, CCHP
Dr. Juanita Morris is a Doctoral-prepared Mental Health Practitioner and she provides direct mental health care to the inmate population. Previously, Dr. Morris was the Director of Health Services. She retired and returned to ACRJ as a mental health nurse practitioner. She has over 30 years of experience and expertise in mental health, substance abuse, nursing and supervising. Additionally, Dr. Morris is a certified correctional health care provider (CCHP) and expert witness for case involving mental health issues.
Dr. Motunrayo Ayodeji
Ryan Topel