ALL SEXUAL ACTIVITY IS PROHIBITED at ACRJ. Beyond those rules, forced or coerced sexual behavior is a criminal act that merits criminal prosecution.
Albemarle-Charlottesville Regional Jail has zero tolerance for all forms of sexual abuse, sexual misconduct and sexual harassment against inmates by other inmates, staff, contractors or volunteers. In caring out the spirit of the law, Albemarle-Charlottesville Region Jail takes allegations of sexual abuse, sexual misconduct and sexual harassment very seriously regardless of the alleged victim’(s) and/or perpetrator’(s) status, and therefore mandates Jail employees, contractors, and volunteers maintain a professional relationship with all persons under the supervision of the Albemarle-Charlottesville Regional Jail.
Unsubstantiated Allegation - An allegation that was investigated and the investigation produced insufficient evidence to make a final determination as to whether or not the event occurred.
Substantiated Allegation - An allegation that was investigated and determined to have occurred.
Unfounded Allegation - An allegation that was investigated and determined not to have occurred.
Non-PREA Event - An allegation that was investigated and determined not to be a PREA event.
If you or someone you know were sexually abused or sexually harassed while in custody at Albemarle-Charlottesville Regional Jail, it can be reported several ways without fear of retaliation against you or the alleged victim. Anyone can report on the behalf of an inmate.
WAYS to Report: ​
Tell any staff ACRJ staff member
Contact Albemarle County PD, Criminal Investigations Division
In addition this department works with the Sexual Assault Resource Agency (SARA), Albemarle County Police Department and the Albemarle Commonwealths Attorney’s Office and other agencies to provide assistance to incarcerated individuals who have been victims of sexual assault. Allegations of sexual abuse or sexual harrassment that are potentially criminal in nature shall be referred to the Albemarle County Police Department, who has legal authority to conduct criminal investigations.
The reporter may stay anonymous if you desire, having your information will allow for follow-up. In the report, please be sure to provide as much information as possible:
Alleged victim
Alleged abuser(s)
Your contact information (email and phone if you wish to be contacted back)
False allegations are taken seriously and will be handled to the fullest extent of the law due to the nature, seriousness and impact of this type of reporting.
Letter of Understanding - Albemarle County Police Dept. (Criminal Investigations)